We will have an Outside Guest Judge who will judge the Prints and Digital Images except the President’s Award. The President’s Award will be judged by all who attend the End of Year Program on December 5th.
For End of Year Only
Prints and Digital images will need to be from those that were used in Competition for the 2016 year except the special categories of Humor and the President’s Award.
We will be using "TWO" images per category, prints and Digital images, except only one (image or print) for the President’s award. So you may enter up to two images for Prints, Humor, Pictorial, Nature, Challenge and one for Presidents Award (11 images total).
For the Humor category and the President’s Award, the images can be new (not used in competition) or images used in 2016.
The physical Prints for year-end needs to be at the November 7th competition meeting for collection, as they will be judged as prints separately.
The digital images needs to be emailed to me by November 14th, a week after our Competition meeting.
Special Request For all the Prints entered please email me Digital images of them ( a copy of the digital file used to make the print) so that all of the Members prints can be put into the Year End Show digitally.
If you are entering a Print for the President’s award please send me the Digital image along with the Print title so that we can make up the ballots.
For Year End submissions please name your digital files as follows:
Humor H1-makers_name-title.jpg H2-makers_name-title.jpg (example H1-Hancock_John-My goofy signature.jpg) Pictorial P1-makers_name-title.jpg P2-makers_name-title.jpg Nature N1-makers_name-title.jpg N2-makers_name-title.jpg Challenge C1-makers_name-title.jpg C2-makers_name-title.jpg Prints Print1-makers_name-title.jpg Print2-makers_name-title.jpg President President-makers_name-title.jpg (This title will be used to make up the ballots)