Check out The Screen, our Monthly Newsletter Jammed with tons of info! Newsletters past and present are accessible under the Newsletter tab at the top right of the page, under the picture. You can find a calendar of events, tips and hints, information on field trips, scores from the latest competition, and all the 10s from the last competition! Check it out as it is a great source of information. January 2025 Screen is our latestest.
Now Meeting in Person AND via Zoom!
We will begin holding our meetings in a hybrid fashion beginning in January 2023. You can come in person or join us via Zoom. Meeting in person means joining us at 1620 N. Carpenter Road in Suite C 17. The building is on the east side of the street in a complex called Campos Commons. If you wish to join us on Zoom and you are not already on our email list, you can go to our Contact Us page and let us know you'll need the link.