We have been around for over eighty years, but it still gives us joy to welcome newcomers. We meet the first and third Monday of each month. We begin meeting at 7:30, but if you have images for the competition, be there at 7 to fill out your slips. After the first June meeting, we break for the summer. We begin meeting again the third week of September.
If interested in visiting, please click on “Contact Us” above, and/or contact our President Jack Hall at 209-241-7036 by voice or text.
Won't you please join us at the at 1620 N. Carpenter Rd., Suite C 17? We would love to meet you. Note: Due to Covid19, we are temporarily meeting via Zoom. If interested in visiting, please use the contact info and send an email inquiry. Our Zoom Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and we are only meeting the first Monday of the month for now.