These will be shown at the November 17 meeting find and shoot as many of these as you can and have them ready to show! This is just for fun- NOT a competition- be creative!
1. One of My Favorite Shots
2. Wild Card- Your Own Topic (may be a 2nd photo for another category)
3. Season(s)
4. Backlight/Silhouette
5. Vehicle(s)
6. Makes You Go “HMMM”
7. Pet(s)
8. Pattern(s)
9. Door(s)/Door Jamb(s)
10. Been Done- but I still like this shot
11. Architecture/Structure/Building
12. Dramatic
13. Birds
14. Sun
15. Portrait- Person or Animal
16. Water
17. Perspective
18. Insect(s)
19. Source of Pride
20. Black & White or Monochrome Includes Sepia or IR